◈ 穿梭之愛上我第1章 秦王嬴政1在線免費閱讀

穿梭之愛上我第1章 秦王嬴政1在線免費閱讀(2)

ind out the source of fate and change it. This business is free of charge, and all it receives is a tear from you.

Maybe some people will say that it doesnt need to travel through time? How is that possible? It is impossible for ordinary people to travel through time and space, but it is not difficult for him. He is my master, the owner of this teahouse.Master has a beautiful name-Si Yin, as the name suggests. I was adopted by Si Yin at an early age. Naturally, I regarded Si Yin as my closest relative. Since I was sensible, I rarely saw Si Yin smile, nor did I see him angry or angry. It was always so faint, as if nothing in this world could make him moved. In my memory, it seems that there will be a trace of gentleness when I am taught psychics and exorcism. I dont know anything about Si Yin except his name and telepathy, including his age and nationality.There are three people in the teahouse at ordinary times, Si Yin, me, and my brother, Bird. Birds name is very oriental, but he has gorgeous blonde hair and blue eyes like the sea. I dont know where he came from. When Si Yin adopted me, he was already there. He was four years older than me, and he was a warm and hearty boy. Perhaps because of his personality, his girlfriend always kept changing. However, when we grew up together, we were very affectionate, and our feelings were better than brothers and sisters. He is talented and has been a teacher for a long time before me. All along, he has been constantly traveling through different time and space, looking for his clients past life.