
穿梭之愛上我第1章 秦王嬴政1在線免費閱讀

set off in the south of the Yangtze River in March. At this time, this city, which is famous for its beautiful scenery all over the country, is in the most beautiful time of the year. Everywhere in full of green, the grass grows long and the willows are weeping by the lake. Peach blossoms are blooming by the roadside, and the spring breeze blows. Pieces of peach petals dance wildly with the wind. Soon, the slate floor is already purplish, with a little residual red and charm, which makes people unable to bear to step on it. Go straight along the blue stone road, pass a green bamboo forest, and then turn left, and you will see a two-story Chinese building with black tiles and red walls and carved fences. In the middle of the plaque are written several big characters: past

Past lives, this is the name of a teahouse, and it is also the place where I, Ye Yin, a 19-year-old girl, work. In this city where drinking tea is the wind, there are countless such teahouses. Teahouses are naturally places to do business, but besides tea, we also do other businesses, a special business, a business related to past lives.I dont know if you have ever heard the saying that if you want to know what happened in the past, what happened in this life, the cause of the past and the fruit of the future, if you plant this cause, no matter how many times you go through reincarnation, you cant get rid of this result. So how to resolve it? This may be a helpless and hard-to-resolve fate, but our business is just to go back to this life where you planted the cause, f