◈ 熒光炬火第一幕 第一場在線免費閱讀

熒光炬火第一幕 第一場在線免費閱讀(2)


姜秀英 (進教室,入座)Good morning, distinguished ladies, I am honored to introduce myself at the campus of Ginling College, the first Women』s College in China and also my dream school. My name is Shirley. I graduated from Church middle school where I became a faithful Christian after learning Psalms, hymns, and passages from the Bible. My favourite is What a Friend We Have in Jesus. May I sing it for you?(譯文:早上好,尊敬的女士們,我很榮幸能在中國第一所女子大學,我的夢中情校——金陵女子文理學院的校園裡介紹我自己。我的英文名是Shirley,我畢業於教會初中,在那裡我學習了《聖經》中的讚美詩和文章,成為了一名虔誠的基督徒。我最喜歡的是《何等恩友 慈仁救主》,我可以為你們唱一下嗎?)

華 群 (笑)Yes, please.(可以,請唱。)

「What a friend we have in Jesus(何等恩友 慈仁救主)

All our sins and griefs to bear(負我罪孽擔我憂)

What a privilege to carry(何等權利)

Everything to God in prayer(能將萬事來到耶穌座前求)

Oh, what peace we often forfeit(多少安寧 我們喪失)

Oh, what needless pain we bear(多少痛苦冤枉受)

All because we do not carry(都是因為)

Everything to God in prayer(未將萬事來到耶穌座前求)

Have we trials and temptations?(我們有無試探引誘?)

Is there trouble anywhere?(有無難過苦關頭?)

We should never be discouraged(決不應當因此灰心)

Take it to the Lord in prayer……」(仍當到主座前求)

華 群 Thank you Shirley, your beautiful voice really made my day. Welcome and God bless you.(禱告)

姜秀英 Thank you, Miss Vautrin. May God help us.(禱告)
